Board of Trustees


Lee Ewington

Presiding Member

Natalie Keyes

Parent Representatives

Amy Marshall

Matt Weldon-Smith

Emma McRae

Staff Representative

Rochelle Frecklington


The Board of Trustees is made up of 4 elected parents, our Tumuaki and a Kaimahi representative.  

As a Board, we have responsibility for the governance of our Kura, while the Tumuaki and Senior Leadership Team has the responsibility for the overall management of the kura on a daily basis.

The Board is committed to supporting and resourcing the school to provide a safe learning environment and a quality education for all our ākonga. We are focused on ākonga progress and achievement, and continuous improvement of the school curriculum. We strive to help our Kura achieve their ‘LEARN’ values: Link Up, Everyone Together, Akohia, Respect, and Never Give Up, and regularly review the School Charter and Strategic Goals.

We meet twice a term and minutes are available at the school office. Parents are welcome to attend.

​The Board of Trustees is contactable via the following email:





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